The Body Emotions 

Emotion Code Body Code Practitioner  

  Tom Heintz cecp cbcp Practitioner 

Alternative Medicine Holistic Energy Therapist

Emotion Code & Body Code



Why I do this ...


I've always been interested in helping people. My family life consisted of a good size family, great parents with 7 siblings on a small gentleman farm in Kent Washington.

I was also fortunate to have my grandparents close by a large portion of the time. They had many experiences that I benefited from. One that impressed me the most was one my grandmother related to me.

When she married, for some reason she was unable to have children, which caused her great concern. My grandparents visited many doctors, but the result was the same, no real answers. This was back in the 1930's. They lived in North Dakota and my grandfather knew of a healing woman that was considered a bit off ... but they went anyway, kind of a last resort thing.

She told my grandmother that her uterus was tipped and using a healing massage worked on her. Apparently it did work because she became pregnant afterwards. My father was born, but she was unable to become pregnant again.

I remember being very interested in this process ... how could a non-medical person make such a difference? I realized at a very young age that there was more to us than what we can see.

I also experienced the healing of Chiropractors and their use of muscle testing to see if the treatment had done what it was supposed to do. It was normal to me, it made sense for some reason.

Being very religious, I believe that we are all connected in some way spiritually. There is more to us than just physical bodies ... I believe that we are here to help each other and are the earthly angels God uses to do his work.



Emotion Code Introductory Session

Emotion Code Session 1

Emotion Code Session 1

Emotion Code Session 1

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